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고려대학교 의료원 피부과 전문의
고려대학교 의과대학 의학 석사
고려대학교 의과대학 의학 박사
강원대학교병원 피부과 조교수
서울적십자병원 피부과 과장
가천대의과대학교 외래교수
인하대의과대학교 외래교수
고려대학교 의과대학 피부과학 외래교수
대한피부과학회 정회원
대한창상학회 정회원
현) 나은병원 피부과 과장
논문 - J Dermatol. 2009 jan;36(1): 10-6. dol:
Co-localization of inducuble nitric oxide synthase and
phosphorylated Akt in the lesional skin of patients with melasma.
Jo HY, Kim CK, Suh IB, Ryu SW, Ha KS, Kwon YG, Kim YM.
대한피부과학회지 : Histopatholgic Findings in Diagnosed
lesions as psoriasis.
Jo HY, Kye YC, Kim SN.
Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine,
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
전남대학교 의과대학 졸업
전남대학교 의과대학 대학원 석사
전남대학교병원 인턴 수료
전남대학교병원 피부과 레지던트 수료
순천성가롤로병원 피부과 과장
광주문피부과의원 원장
광주기독병원 피부과 과장
창원파티마병원 피부과 과장
텍사스대(휴스턴)/Mohs Clinic(MDA Cancer Center) 피부병리/피부암 연수
현) 나은병원 피부과 과장
논문 -
1. Lee SC, Moon HJ, et al. Pachydermoperiostosis with cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas. International Journal of Dermatololgy, 37(9):693-696,1998.
2. Moon HJ, Won YH, et al. An effect of pachydermoperiostosis patients' serum on the proliferation of fibroblasts. Korean Journal of Dermatology, 35(3):475-484,1997.
3. Cho DY, Moon HJ, Chun IK, et al. Favorable effect of electron beam therapy in mycosis fungoides. Korean Journal of Dermatology, 34(6):988-992,1996.
4. Moon HJ, Chun IK, et al. A case of atypical reactional leprosy of BT type. Korean Leprosy Bulletin, 29(1):63-72,1996. .
5. An Effect of Pachydermoperiostosis Patient's Serum on the Culture of Fibroblasts. by Moon HJ, Chonnam National University, School of Medical Science, (M.S. 1997)
6. Jin Kim, Moon HJ, et al. A Case of Amblyomma testudinarium Tick Bite in a Korean Woman. Korean J Parasitol. 48(4):313-317, 2010.
Presentations -
1. CPC of Two Pathologic Cases (1. Morbilliform rash 2. A nodule on sole) 2004. 8. 28. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Kor)
2. Razor Shave Skin Biopsy. 2004. 3. 24. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Kor)
3. Storage of Clinical and Histopathologic Images to the Web Pages. 2002. 6. Korean dermatological Ass. (Sunchon, Korea)
4. Two pathologic cases of Metastatic breast cancer. (poster) 2002. 4. Korean dermatological Ass. (Busan, Korea)
5. Two pathologic cases of metastatic breast cancer (A Cystosarcoma phylloides metastases to skin, and a Metaplastic carcinoma metastases to skin). 2001. 12. Korean dermatological Ass. (Jeonju, Korea)
6. Two cases of Malignant fibrous histiocytomas. 2001. 4. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Korea)
7. A case of Pilomatricoma within a Lymphangioma, a case of Condyloma accuminata treated by CO2 lasers, and a case of Keratosis pilaris atrophicans on the back. 2000. 4. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Korea)
8. Cases report (Congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis, Wegener's granulomatosis, Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, Sparganosis. 1999. 12. Korean dermatological Ass. (Jeonju, Korea)
9. A case of Pachydermoperiostosis with SCC showing Chromosomal instability. 1996. 10. Korean dermatological Ass. (Seoul, Korea)
10. A case of Reactional leprosy. 1995. 12. Korean dermatological Ass. (Iksan, Korea)
11. A case of Sweet's syndrome on CABG wound. 1995. 10. Korean dermatological Ass. (Seoul, Korea)
12. A case of Mycosis fungoides treated by electron beam therapy. 1995. 4. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Korea)
13. A case of Tinea by Microsporum canis in a family. 1995. 3. Korean dermatological Ass. (Haenam, Korea)
14. Clinical experiences of TCI (topical calcineurin inhibitor) in diverse skin diseases. 2017. 5. Korean dermatological Ass. (Gwangju, Korea)